Dallas Young Makers Club WordSpace edition and the Dallas Lit Hop 2019 Performance Showcase!


Dallas Young Makers Club Art Track WORDSPACE edition
WHERE: 5th floor! J Erik Jonsson Central Library 1515 Young St. Dallas 75201
WHEN: April 13, 2019, 10:30am to 2:30pm
WHO: ages 8-18

Join WordSpace for a FREE Dallas Lit Hop Event at DALLAS YOUNG MAKERS CLUB! This special edition will feature a youth poetry, story-writing and calligraphy workshop in the Art track of the club, especially for Lit Hop! DYMC is a youth workshop founded and facilitated by WordSpace President Monika Bell, WordSpace calligraphy queen, Andrea Tosten, computer brainiac Max Bell, Lego robotic gurus, Buddy Whittenburg and Greg Biggs and is held on the 5th floor of the J. Erik Jonsson Central Library twice a month!

More about DYMC: The Dallas Young Makers Club is a nonprofit community educational organization based in Dallas, Texas. The Club is committed to helping students age 8-18 in the Dallas area to expand their minds and skills by creating things instead of just buying things.

The club’s immediate goals are to provide a workspace, mentors and equipment along with free and regular access to these resources in a central shared workspace. The long-term goal is to help new generations of all income levels create things of their choosing with community support rather than spending their time consuming media/things created by for profit organizations or preparing for standardized tests. Two citywide Maker’s Faires will be held twice annually in December and June. Workdays will be held on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm at the J. Erik Jonsson Central Library.

Also happening: Writers Garret walk through Deep Ellum, with Kendra Green. Click here for more information to register!

Dallas Lit Hop 2019 Performance Showcase!
WHERE: Deep Ellum Art Company, 3200 Commerce St. Dallas TX 75226
WHEN: APRIL 13, 2019 from 4-8 p.m.
4:00 p.m. Rafael Tamayo
4:45 p.m. Laney Yarber
5:15 p.m. Monika Bell
6:15 p.m. Insecto-Ray Orchestra
7:00 p.m. the Amazing Hancock Brothers

The WordSpace Performance Showcase celebrates some noteworthy talents who exemplify the attribute of multi-talented. WordSpace has always sought to acknowledge performers who are adept at expressing themselves through a number of disciplines. This showcase will highlight some folks who are redefining and expanding the assumptions about “Word”.

Rafael Tamayo’s skill-sets are overwhelming. Actor, Artist, Musician seem to be on the shortlist of his abilities. And somehow he also gets around to being manager of the Oak Cliff Cultural Center. For the showcase he will be tapping into the musical side of his talents and will be laying down some beats to get the day going. WordSpace is down with getting the groove on!

Acclaimed veteran performance artist Laney Yarber has presented her theatrical vignettes in a multitude of art venues across Dallas-Fort Worth. She is thoroughly original and one of those founding spirits of the Dallas Avant Garde. She will perform a “Pedestrian Dance” for the showcase that will undoubtedly capture your intrigue.

Monika Bell is an Artist/Musician who makes those disciplines seem effortless. Her work emanates so guilelessly from her that it belies her ardent work and craft. For the showcase she will do a set of handmade songs filled with grace and melody and poetry and touched with the sublime.

Marco Villalobos is one of those unfairly gifted people who can play all the instruments and then some. Along with cohort Werner Heimlich they comprise the Insecto Ray Orchestra dedicated to Psychedelic, Electronic, Funk, Jazz music that sprouts songs like mushrooms in a verdant haze. Be prepared for some spatial sonic displacement!

The Amazing Hancock Brothers will headline the Showcase with a righteous blend of music and hair raising spoken word. The Brothers are infamous Art Printmakers whose notorious work has been the subject of legend across the State of Texas. They are also mad dog poetic holy men bent on disrupting everyone’s assumptions on everything. This will be a rare opportunity to experience the Brothers and one that will definitely amaze and confound!

So come out and enjoy the grand patio back yard of the Deep Ellum Art Co where adult beverages will be available and share some fellowship with the good folks of WordSpace! This is a free event!

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