A Natural Progression | Linda Jones
“I am a writing coach, journalist, healing arts and grief recovery consultant, Black culture activist, artist and the (now) bald-headed founder of a collective that celebrates nappy hair! Through my consultancy The Writing Doula, I create content, edit, and help people give birth to the power of their words. I also conduct writing workshops that focus on telling life stories, preserving legacy, developing emotional intelligence, navigating grief and trauma and practicing self-care. I am an author and a self-proclaimed ‘spoken notes’ artist –who others mistake for poet. I love African drumming and have been able to hold my own at pre-COVID ceremonies and drum circles, playing my trusty doundouns.”

Click here for interview on Positively Joy podcast.
Linda has worked for a number of daily newspapers , including the Dallas Morning News, Detroit News and Sun-Sentinel (in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.) as a features and general news reporter. She has done freelance work for The Daily Beast, People, Essence, Agence France Press, AOL News and a variety of print and online publications.
She is author of It’s Only Temporary … Journal for Surviving Loved Ones, Family Scribes: Writing Memories for Your Family Tree! and Nappyisms: Affirmations for Nappy-headed People and Wannabes! An essay from her book was selected to appear in Chicken Soup for the African American Woman’s Soul.
Linda has received feature-writing awards from The Writer’s Block, the National Association of Black Journalists, the Association for Women Journalists, Florida Medical Association, Society for Features Journalism, NAACP and others.