Dallas Poetry Slam

Dallas Poetry Slam is a non-profit organization that promotes the performance and creation of poetry while cultivating literary activities and spoken word events in order to build audience participation, stimulate creativity, awaken minds, foster education, inspire mentoring, encourage artistic statements and engage the DFW community in the revelry of language.

Additionally, Dallas Poetry Slam provides an opportunity for local poets to compete as an individual and with a team on the local, regional and national level. Poets are exposed to art, language and culture from a network of poets and the general population in various cities throughout the United States. As a member of the Dallas Slam Team, one can develop team building, leadership, writing and performance skills along with greater pride as an artist representing the City of Dallas.

Rock Baby: Silence
Robert Cotman: My First Poem
Alexandra Marie: The Mathmatics of Heartbreak
Usoo Me: New Grotesque
Sarah V Tafoya: Arizona Piece
Victory: Fat Poem
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