The Gerald Burns Student Readings

We also offer a focus on the work of area High School students in a yearly Reading Event. They bring with them not only the enrichment of their dedicated teachers, but often the most innovative and interdisciplinary collaborations of writing in this promising preview of the future. Hockaday School, Yavneh Academy, Booker T. Washington School for the Visual and Performing Arts and Greenhill School have been regularly featured.

The student readings are named after American poet and artist, Dr. Gerald Burns (1940-1997). Gerald was born in Detroit, educated at Harvard University, Trinity College, Dublin, and taught at Southern Methodist University and New York University. In 1975 Burns moved to Dallas, Texas. and later Portland, Oregon. His papers are held at University of California, San Diego. He was the 1992 winner of the National Poetry Series Competition, for Shorter Poems and a 1985 NEA Fellowship for poetry. WordSpace salutes Gerald’s lifelong contribution to the arts and his role in intellectual collaborations that created WordSpace.

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