Clancy Manuel, Laney Yarber, Chaitra Lineham at MFA Gallery

What: ArtSpeak
When: December 12, around 9 ish
Who: Clancy Manuel and Laney Yarber perform in conjunction with Chaitra Lineham’s opening
Where: Mighty Fine Arts, 409A N. Tyler Street, 75208

Clancy ManuelWordspace presents the last Artspeak of 2015 with Mighty Fine Arts in Historic North Oak Cliff 75208.

“Blurred Vision Meets Ambient Noise” with performance and music by Clancy Manuel and “Psych Lights” by Laney Yarber! Starts around 9ish! 







menagerieMighty Fine Arts presents “Menagerie” featuring new work by Chaitra Linehan. This show opens Dec 12 with a reception for the artist from 6-9pm and will run till Jan.17. Chaitra Linehan’s animal pictures aren’t meant as empirical portrayals but are subjects engaged in her own interpretive narrative. Though she is considerably knowledgable about the birds and beasts she renders her intentions aren’t steeped in accuracy but are more inclined toward poetic homage. The collage plummage of her bird portraits imbues them with immediacy and personality as well as aesthetic virtuosity. Her paintings of wild beasts and critters are steeped in darker implications and dilemnas. The “Menagerie” that Ms. Linehan conjures is meant to inveigle delight and wonder but with decided undertones of menace. Also on Opening Night, “Psyche Lights”, featuring spoken word and music by Clancy Manuel and light show created by Laney Yarber.

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