Anne Waldman Night and Day







NIGHT: Performance May 8, 8 pm @ The MAC

DAY: Master Classes, May 9, Time 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. @ The MAC

Tickets:  PreKindle

$25 -Performance Only 
$75 Master Classes plus Performance 

$200 One-on-One One Hour Master Interview plus Performance

All Events at The McKinney Avenue Contemporary, 3120 McKinney Ave. 

WordSpace has become known for presenting such icons as John Waters and Laurie Anderson. Anne is on that same level of accomplishment.
Anne Waldman has been a force in the American literary scene since the 1960’s. As well as being a poet of remarkable power and an electrifying performer, she has been involved in shaping the way young poets are taught in America, and in the joining of poetry with the music scene. Her political activism has also served as a model of engagement within the artistic community.


1966 – Founding member of the Saint Marks Poetry Project, New York City

1974 – Founding member with Allen Ginsberg of The Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics at The Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

1976 – Travels with Bob Dylan’s Rolling Thunder Revue

1978 – Busted along with Allen Ginsberg and Daniel Ellsberg protesting at the Rocky Flats nuclear weapons facility in Boulder Colorado

2011 – Elected a Chancellor of the Academy of American Poets

Internationally recognized and acclaimed poet Anne Waldman has been an active member of the “Outrider” experimental poetry community, a culture she has helped create and nurture for over four decades as writer, editor, teacher, performer, magpie scholar, infra-structure curator, and cultural/political activist. Her poetry is recognized in the lineage of Whitman and Ginsberg, and in the Beat, New York School, and Black Mountain trajectories of the New American Poetry. Yet she remains a highly original “open field investigator” of consciousness, committed to the possibilities of radical shifts of language and states of mind to create new modal structures and montages of attention. Her work is energetic, passionate, panoramic, fierce at times.

She has also collaborated extensively with a number of artists, musicians, and dancers, including George Schneeman, Elizabeth Murray, Richard Tuttle, Donna Dennis, and Pat Steir, and the theatre director Judith Malina. Her play “Red Noir” was produced by the Living Theatre and ran for nearly three months in New York City in 2010. She has also been working most recently with other media including audio, film and video, with her husband, writer and video/film director Ed Bowes, and with her son, musician and composer Ambrose Bye. Publishers Weekly recently referred to Waldman as “a counter-cultural giant.”

“Cyborg on the Zattere,” with music by composer Steven Taylor and 12 performers, including cellist Ha-Yang Kim and reed instrumentalist Marty Erlich and a Renaissance trio, premiered at the Douglas Dunn Salon in Spring of 2011. This “Poundatorio” takes on the “knot” of Ezra Pound, his poetics and politics. It includes settings for parts of the Pisan Cantos.

A prominent figure in the beat poetry generation and New York poetics lineage, Anne Waldman, was born in Millville, New Jersey, on April 2, 1945, and grew up on MacDougal Street in New York City. She received her BA from Bennington College in 1966. From 1966 until 1978 she ran the St. Mark’s Poetry Project, reading with fellow poets such as Allen Ginsberg and Gregory Corso. Immediately following her departure from St. Mark’s, she and Ginsberg founded the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics at the Naropa Institute in Boulder, Colorado.

She is the author of over 40 books and small press editions of poetry and poetics, including, most recently, Gossamurmur (Penguin, 2013); The Iovis Trilogy: Colors in the Mechanism of Concealment (Coffee House Press, 2011), a 700-page epic poem 30 years in the making. She is the Distinguished Professor of Poetics at Naropa University

The Legendary ANNE WALDMAN–Don’t miss it!

Read an interview with Anne Waldman over @ Rain Taxi
Vist her website to learn more here


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