Anita Barnard Book Release: On the Dark Path: An Anthology of Fairy Tale Poetry

Who: Anita Barnard
What: Book Release: On the Dark Path: An Anthology of Fairy Tale Poetry
When: Saturday, May 11, 7 pm
Where: Lucky Dog Books, 633 W. Davis, 214-941-2665

darkpathcover_smallJPB“On the Dark Path 
is a hauntingly beautiful collection of poems that lead us deeper into these ancient tales than we’ve been before. Powerful, surprising, sometimes brutal, these poems enchant the imagination and linger in the mind for days.”
-Michelle Rhea, editor Incarnate Muse Press

Speaking to us from the woods and the cottage, from the marriage bed, the hospital bed, the writing group and the camps at Dachau, the forty-eight poets in this anthology of poems based on traditional fairy tales, edited by DFW poet and longtime fairy tale enthusiast Anita M. Barnard, bring their personal worlds to the fairy tale and the fairy tale out into the world at large. The reading will feature some of the local poets whose works appear in the book.

67492_1516404906902_6337928_nAnita M. Barnard has co-edited five poetry anthologies, most recently Above Us Only Sky, Volume Two and The Venomed Kiss, as Incarnate Muse Press, and edited the anthology Sense of Touch. Her poetry has appeared in Illya’s Honey, Borderlands, and the Texas Poetry Calendar, and many other journals. She was a finalist for the Muriel Craft Bailey Memorial Award; the selected poem appeared in the The Comstock Review. Her poem Red was nominated for the 2008 Pushcart Prize. Anita received honorable mention from New Millennium Writings Winter 2008-09 Poetry Award, and her poem Building with Straw was published in the 2010 issue. Her poem based on Brueghel’s Diana and Callisto was exhibited in the gallery of the Blanton Museum of Fine Art at the University of Texas Austin alongside the painting. Anita is also a visual artist, working in paint, mosaic, collage, glass and cement, exhibiting in the Fort Worth area, nationally and internationally. Two of her collages were shown in Bremen, Germany then traveled to New Zealand where they appeared in four gallery shows. Anita lives in Fort Worth and spends weekends as a locavore gardener or tending her rural land in NE Texas where she hopes to someday have a retreat for writers and artists. Her still-evolving website is She writes about art, poetry, food gardening, education and other topics at






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