B. H. Fairchild and Renee Rosse @ Mighty Fine Arts

B. H. Fairchild and Renee Rosse
When: Saturday November 12th, 2011
Where: Mighty Fine Arts, 419 North Tyler Street

B. H. Fairchild and Renee Rosse @ Mighty Fine Arts
It’s Tyler-Davis Arts District 2nd Saturday Block Party Time and again!
We are please to partner with Mighty Fine Arts to host these two distinguished writers:

B.H. Fairchild (born 1942) is an award-winning American poet and former college professor. His most recent book is Usher (W.W. Norton, 2009), and his poems have appeared in literary journals and magazines including The New YorkerThe Paris ReviewThe Southern ReviewPoetryTriQuarterlyThe Hudson ReviewSalmagundiThe Sewanee Review. His third poetry collection, The Art of the Lathe, winner of the 1997 Beatrice Hawley Award (Alice James Books, 1998), brought Fairchild’s work to national prominence, garnering him a large number of awards and fellowships including the William Carlos Williams Award, Kingsley Tufts Poetry Award, California Book Award, Natalie Ornish Poetry Award, PEN Center USA West Poetry Award, National Book Award (finalist), Capricorn Poetry Award, and Rockefeller and Guggenheim fellowships. The book ultimately gave him international prominence, as The Way Weiser Press in England published the U.K. edition of the book. The Los Angeles Times wrote that “The Art of the Lathe by B.H. Fairchild has become a contemporary classic—a passionate example of the plain style, so finely crafted and perfectly pitched…workhorse narratives suffused with tenderness and elegiac music.”He was born in Houston, Texas, and grew up in small towns in the oil fields of Oklahoma, Texas, and Kansas, later working through high school and college for his father, a lathe machinist. He taught English and Creative Writing at California State University, San Bernardino and Claremont Graduate University. He lives in Denton with his wife and dog, Minnie, and teaches at The University of North Texas. B. H. Fairchild is the 2011 winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award for poetry.

Renée Rossi’s chapbook Still Life won the 2009 Gertrude Chapbook Competition for Poetry.  Her recent chapbook is entitled Third Worlds. She lives with her family in Dallas and dreams about returning to Italy.

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