Brian Allen Carr @ The Wild Detectives


Author Pic


WordSpace Presents:
A Reading with Brian Allen Carr, winner of inaugural Texas Observer Story Prize
& author of  The Last Horror Novel In The History of The World

When: Thursday, December 4 @ 7 pm
Where: The Wild Detectives, 314 W. 8th Street (Bishop Arts District)

Brian Allen Carr (born 1979) is an American writer based in Texas. He is the author of the short story collection Short Bus (2011) and was the winner of the inaugural Texas Observer Story Prize as judged by Larry McMurtry in 2011. Carr was also a finalist for the Texas Institute of Letters Steven Turner Award for First Fiction, 2011. His stories have appeared in AnnalemmaBoulevardFiction InternationalHobartKeyhole and Texas Review, among others.Vampire Conditions, was published by Holler Presents in 2012. His new book is entitled The Last Horror Novel In the History of the World. Visit his website here.

Read an interesting interview with Brian Allen Carr over at The Huffington Post.


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