Chuck Taylor and Hedwig Gorski

Chuck Taylor and Hedwig Gorski
When: November 12th, 2010
Where: Members Only Salon

Chuck Taylor‘s two most recent books are poetry–Heterosexual: A Love Story (Panther Creek) and Li-Po Laughing at the Lonely Moon (Pecan Grove). Taylor has also published novels and collections of short stories. For the last twenty-one years he has taught at Texas A&M University, serving a term as Coordinator of Creative Writing. Before that he was a bit of a wanderer, and taught creative writing at the Universities of Texas at El Paso, Tyler, and Austin. He worked in the Texas Writers-in-the-Schools Programs in San Antonio, Victoria, and Beaumont. He also worked at Paperbacks Plus in San Antonio, Austin, and Dallas, and ran a creative writing workshop out of the old Lakewood Paperbacks Plus. He has worked for environmentalist causes with Earth First! and the Sierra Club. As a writer he’s open to any subject if it inspires him, but he often writes about working people and about fatherhood.  Currently he is working on a memoir about the time he lived in a tent along Barton Creek near Austin to avoid working jobs for pay. During that time he worked one day and lived on forty dollars a week. Since 1973, despite periods of poverty and instability, Taylor has operatedSlough Press. On his press he published the first book by former Dallas writer Sheryl St. Germain, and Pat Littledog’s book set in Dallas, Afoot in a Field of Men, later republished by Atlantic Monthly. Currently one of his former students has a book on a New York Times Bestseller List.

Read Chuck Taylor in Criterion

Hedwig Gorski is an American poet, scholar, and artist who received awards for media works in poetry and drama. She coined the term “performance poetry” in early 1980 to describe her poems written only for oral performance and recorded performance poems with composed music. The best collected during live radio broadcasts were re-mastered and released on a CD Send in the Clown (2009). She published three books of poetry and released many audio collections including a collector’s edition chapbook with vinyl record titled Polish Gypsy with GhostIntoxication: Heathcliff on Powell Street (Slough Press) 2007, 2009, is a memoir/archive about her 1978 experimental verse theater in Austin. Her BFA degree from NSCAD, a world famous radical art school in Nova Scotia, is in painting. Her doctorate in creative writing is from University of Louisiana. She received a Louisiana Artist’s Fellowship (2002), and a Fulbright to lecture in Poland (2003). Some of her poems have been translated into Polish and published in Okolica. Excerpts from her 1978 neo-verse drama Booby, Mama! appear in Karawane (2009), and the transcript of a television interview with Robert Creeley is in JAST, a Turkish journal. She appeared at the Jozi Spoken Word Festival 2009 in Johannesburg, South Africa, for the U. S. State Dept. A podcast (2009) of audio for “Mexico Solo” is out on IndieFeed. A micro book titled Poetique (2010) features the performance poem text of audio featured on Send in the Clown.

“Teenager in Nova Scotia” a Performance Video by Hedwig Gorski

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