Corey Marks and Farid Matuk
Corey Marks and Farid Matuk
When: December 4th, 2010
Where: Paperbacks Plus
WordSpace is proud to have this reading sponsored by our favorite neighborhood must-meet-up-regularly-at Eateries, Ricardo Avila’s Mextopia, with the freshest delicious Mexican food, gorgeous ambience and most welcoming owners and staff. Recently voted Best New Restaurant by the Dallas Observer, Mextopia is located at 2104 Greenville. Join us there after the reading! Special Thanks to Ricardo Avila and his partner, Michelle Andrie.
Corey Marks teaches at the University of North Texas and serves, with Bruce Bond, as Poetry Editor of American Literary Review. He is winner the Natalie Ornish prize, Texas Institiute for Letters, the Bernard F. Conners Prize from The Paris Review. a National Poetry Series winner for his book, Renunciation and a National Endowment for the Arts recipient.
Read Corey Marks in Three Penny Review
Farid Matuk is the author of This Isa Nice Neighborhood (Letter Machine Editions, 2010) and the chapbooks Is it the King? (Effing Press, 2006), and Riverside, forthcoming from Longhouse Press. His poems have appeared most recently in 6X6, Barrelhouse,The Boston Review,Big Bridge, Cannibal, and Mandorla among others. His essays and reviews have appeared in Sentence, Cross-Cultural Poetics, and The Poetry Project Newsletter. Matuk has published translations from Spanish in Kadar Koli,Bombay Gin, Translation Review, and Harvard Review. Currently he serves as poetry editor for FENCE Magazine. The reciplient of Ford and Fulbright Fellowships, Matuk holds an MFA from the Michener Center for Writers at UT Austin. He lives in Dallas with the poet Susan Briante.
Hosted by Karen X