Pages at Dallas Poetry Slam

DSC_0423WhenDecember 19, 2014 at 8 pm
Heroes, 7402 Greenville Ave., Dallas, TX 75231
Hosted by
Alexandra Marie
$5, WS Members Free

Pages Matam is a multidimensional creative writing and performance artist, residing in the D.C. metropolitan area, but originally from Cameroon, Africa. He is a Write Bloody author, educator, playwright, host, event organizer, Award Winning slam poet (2 time DC Grand Slam Champion, 2013 Southern Fried Champion) along with his greatest accomplishment, being a father. A proud gummy bear elitist, bowtie enthusiast, professional hugger and anime fanatic, be prepared to be taken on a journey of cultural and personal discovery unapologetic in its silly, yet visceral and beautifully honest in its storytelling.

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