Dawn Lundy Martin

When: Thursday April 21, 7:30 pm
What: African Diaspora: New Dialogues
Where: South Dallas Cultural Center, 3400 S Fitzhugh Ave, Dallas, TX 75210
(214) 939-2787
Refreshments provided by Buttons Jazz Restaurant and Ben E. Keith–Thank You!



Photo by Max Freeman

Dawn Lundy Martin is author of three books of poetry, and three chapbooks. Of her latest collection,  Life in a Box is a Pretty Life  (Nightboat Books 2015), Fred Moten says, “Imagine Holiday singing a Blind alley, or Brooks pricing hardpack dandelion, and then we’re seized and thrown into the festival of detonation we hope we’ve been waiting for.” Associate Professor in the English Department at the University of Pittsburgh, Martin is a member of the three-person performance group, The Black Took Collective. She is also a member of the global artist collective, HOWDOYOUSAYYAMINAFRICAN?, the group that withdrew its work from the 2014 Whitney Biennial to protest the museum’s biased curatorial practices. Martin is currently working on a hybrid memoir, a tiny bit of which appears as the essay, “The Long Road to Angela Davis’s Library,” published in the December 2014  New Yorker  magazine.

About South Dallas Cultural Center and Vicki Meek: The South Dallas Cultural Center is a community center with a wide variety of programs inspired by the vibrancy and diversity of the African Diaspora. The SDCC seeks to educate and inspire through the visual, media, literary and performing arts. Vickie Meek is the award winning director of SDCC. She is a curator, artist and activist. Her decades of service to promote art and racial equity have profoundly impacted the cultural life of Dallas and development of a whole new generation of African American artists. In 2016, Ms. Meek will retire from her office at SDCC to co-develop The Institute for Creative Research in Puerta Viejo, Costa Rica.


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