Esther Pearl Watson: Women Producers of Comics and Graphic Novels

Esther Pearl Watson: Women Producers of Comics and Graphic Novels
Friday July 29th, 2011

WordSpace is pleased to partner with Webb Gallery and host a special “taste” of their exhibit featuring women artists-writers of comics and graphic novels, curated by Esther Pearl Watson. Meet the artists, meet the gallery owners, meet WordSpace Board President Charles Dee Mitchell, meet each other! Join WordSpace to welcome Esther Pearl Watson & Co, with Bruce and Julie Webb, for an exclusive perspective and celebration of their exhibit.

Esther Pearl Watson grew up in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Her family moved often, since her father’s hobby of building huge flying saucers out of scrap metal and car engines didn’t always sit well with the neighbors. Esther’s pieces are often overtly narrative, clear but mysterious scenes of houses or figures ornamented with snippets of prose telling just enough to get the viewer’s own imagination engaged, wanting to know more. Some are about family, some about places, all have a rich interior life. Her works without words are just as suggestive of story, also exerting a deep emotional pull.

Bruce and Julie Webb founded their gallery about 17 years ago out of their love for self-taught art, primitive arts and crafts and fraternal lodge pieces. And the stories behind the works are just as intriguing as the drawings, paintings and sculptures in the collection.

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