Marilyn Clark, Shilyh Warren, Janelle Ellis: African American Women Film Directors

 Marilyn Clark, Shilyh Warren and Janelle Ellis team up for a conversation and film clips of African American Women Film Directors. RSVP NOW!

When: November 4, 7 pm
Where: RSVP for address, WordSpace@WordSpace.Us
Refreshments made possible by Spiral Diner and Ben E. Keith!

Marilyn Clark

MARILYN CLARK, is the Education and Outreach Coordinator of the South Dallas Cultural Center with 30 years of A long time South Dallas resident and one of its most outspoken advocates, Ms. Clark brings years of experience to this position as both an activist and educator. From her years with Sesame Street to her time at Cable Access along with her stints as political organizer for Rep. Jim Mattox, Ms. Clark’s experience is invaluable.


SHILYH WARREN (Assistant Professor of Film Studies, UT Dallas) will present the early history of black women’s filmmaking, beginning with Zora Neale Hurston’s ethnographic films of the late 1920s. Though Hurston is most well known for her literary production, she was also an early pioneer of anthropological filmmaking and the first black woman filmmaker. Black women’s documentary filmmaking would not resurface until the late 1960s with Madeline Anderson’s civil rights films, Integration Report and I Am Somebody. We’ll watch some of these together and discuss the lasting impact of Hurston’s focus on women, spirituality, and the body.


Janelle EllisJANELLE ELLIS teaches English Lit at El Centro College. She and Marilyn Clark have worked for decades in support of women in the arts, co-coordinating and curating numerous festivals and film projects, particularly highlighting the voice and art of African Americans.  Currently, they are participating in the Fair Park Film Forum. featuring the work of women in film as a global dialogue.




Julie Dash and Ava DuVernay with Cheryl Dunye, Tanya Hamilton, Kasi Lemons, Michelle Parkerson, Gina Prince-Blythewood, Dee Rees, and Oprah Winfrey

Friday: all day

Screenings at All Projection Facilities around Fair Park:

National Honorees + Local Filmmakers

Friday night: 7pm

Hall of State Auditorium (downstairs)

Premiere of Julie Dash’s new DOC on Vertamae Smart-Grosvenor “Culinary Griot”: TRAVEL NOTES OF A GEECHEE GIRL

Introduced with Docs by Cinematic Foremothers Zora Neale Hurston and Eloyce King Patrick Gist

Saturday noon: 11am to 1pm

Luncheon (Gullah Cuisine) in Galleries of African-American Museum with TRIBUTE to JULIE DASH: Great Director

Saturday afternoon: 2 to 4pm

Panel Discussion Filmed by C-Span in Auditorium

Moderated by Jacqueline Bobo (Audience by Invitation)

Saturday evening: 5 to 8pm

Gala Reception at Hall of State + seated dinner for Honored Filmmakers with Local Filmmakers

IndieGoGo fundraiser for Black Women Directors

Saturday late night: 9 to 12am

Concert at the Fair Park Band Shell Featuring Erykah Badu

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