Laney Yarber @ Tyler-Davis Block Party
Laney Yarber @ Tyler-Davis 2nd Saturday: “Claireoke Revue”
When: Saturday, May 12, Slam, 5pm, Laney Yarber, 8 pm
Where: WordSpace, 415 North Tyler St. (Map)
Texas’s most celebrated performance artist Laney Yarber brings her charismatic and free associative magnetism to the Tyler-Davis Arts District’s 2nd Saturday Festivals. Laney Yarber is an artist whose work and influence has had a important impact on the state’s cultural life. Her work is part history (personal-area-occult), part installation, often multi-media, with great mastery of the craft of theater, sculpture, spoken word, and visual special effects.She is the recipient of many awards and grants, studied with Robert Wilson, and is the sister of painter Robert Yarber, Laney leaves her fans and even her diva-to-diva antagonists crying for more. Never enough. Never enough.
Miss you and It All ..Love this Promo !
You go girl !!