The Big Read Panel: Growing Up With Science Fiction

In conjunction with The Big Read’s tribute to the late Ray Bradbury and Fahrenheit 451, Off World, the science fiction readers’ club of WordSpace, presents a panel  on the role science fiction can play in the lives of young readers. Panel members range from naysayers to fervent fans of the genre. This free event will be a lively evening with ample opportunities for audience members to weigh in on the topic.

The Big Read is a city-wide celebration of Ray Bradbury and Fahrenheit 451, funded by the National Endowment of the Arts to grantees Friends of the Public Library and programming partner D Academy, a leadership division of D Magazine. See other offerings on The Big Read Dallas website. “ONE BOOK ONE CITY”.


What: A Panel Discussion to celebrate The Big Read, a project of D Academy and the Friends of the Dallas Public Library
Who: Panelists: OffWorld’s Phillip Washington; Ken Ruffin, president of the National Space Society, North Texas Division; and, Jerome Weeks, critic and producer for KERA Public Radio
Moderator: Charles Dee Mitchell
When: Tuesday, April 9, 7-9 pm
Where: Half Price Books, 5803 NW Highway


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