Paul Otremba and Young Eui Choi

The Roxy Gordon Members Salon Series
When: Thursday May 12th, 2011

Paul Otremba is the author of the poetry collection The Currency, published by Four Way Books in 2009.
His poems and collections have appeared in The Kenyan Review, New England Review, The Washington Post, Poetry Daily, and American Poets in the Twenty First Century: The New Poetics. He has been awarded a Robert Frost Fellowship from the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, a Barthelme Memorial Fellowship, and a Krakow Poetry Seminar Fellowship. He is currently a Visiting Assistant Professor at Southern Methodist University.

Young Eui Choi is a professor of English at Richland College where she teaches Composition and various literature courses such as American, Asian American, and World Literature. She is also a member of the Richland Literary Festival Committee. She has studied with U.S. Poet Laureate Billy Collins, Naomi Shihab Nye, John Fox, and Robert McDowell. Some of her poems and articles have appeared in Write around the Corner, Korean Journal, and Dallas Korean American Literary Association. She is also the invited reviewer of the translation of Poetic Medicine by John Fox, into Korean. She finds great joy in spreading the power of poetry through facilitating poetry workshops for community members and includes taking her students to literary events in her curriculum. As a native Korean, she immigrated into the States about two decades ago. In her second home country, she is embracing and expanding her bi-cultural self, while working on leadership, justice, spirituality, and globalism, which are some of the themes her new poetry collection in progress.

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