Sophia Dembling Book Release and Signing Party
What: Sophia Dembling Book Release and Signing Party
When: Thursday, December 6, 7pm
Where: Barnes and Noble, Lincoln Park, NW Highway, across from Northpark Mall
Purchases at Barnes & Noble benefit WordSpace Dec. 6-11. Use this number when checking out in the store or online: 10877611
Sophia Dembling is a Dallas-based writer whose career as a professional introvert started with an essay on the website World Hum, which was so enthusiastically received that it led to The Introvert’s Corner, her blog on Psychology Today, which is so popular, it led to her latest book The Introvert’s Way: Living a Quiet Life in a Noisy World, published by Perigee books.
Sophia started her writing career at The Dallas Morning News, where she wrote about music, fitness, and travel, among many other topics. As a freelance writer, she has published hundreds of articles and essays in newspapers and magazines and online. Sophia’s other books include The Yankee Chick’s Survival Guide to Texas and The Making of Dr. Phil: The Straight-Talking True Story of Everyone’s Favorite Therapist.
Sophia lives in Oak Cliff, where it’s nice and quiet.
Special Thanks to Barnes & Nobles Booksellers and their Bookfair project for nonprofit organizations. Barnes and Noble will contribute a percentage from the sale of books bought the day of Sophia Dembling’s reception and book signing through December 11, in the store and online–a great opportunity to pick up gifts for the holidays and help a great organization!
See reviews of The Introvert’s Way: Living a Quiet Life in a Noisy World. in Publisher’s Weekly and at Psych Central