Martha Heimberg, Brian Nowlin: Wallace Stevens “Tootings at the Weddings of the Soul Night”

What: Wallace Stevens-“Tootings at the Weddings of the Soul Night”
Who: Martha Heimberg and Brian Nowlin
When: Thursday, February 7, 7 pm
Where: Private Residence, RSVP 214-838-3554,
Admission: Members Free, Non Members $10 Suggested

7 pm: Wine & cheese & talk.

7:30 pm: Martha’s intro focuses on earlier work, poet’s joyful and erotic depiction of the natural world and the suddenness of insight in poems like “Floral Decorations for Bananas”, “The Sense of the Sleight of Hand Man”, “Martial Cadenza”, “The Well Dressed Man with a Beard”, “Motive for Metaphor”,  and “Sketch of the Ultimate Politician.” (20 min.)

8:00 p.m. Brian Nowlin summarizes the often contradictory world of Stevens scholarship, and focuses on the brilliant late poems that emerge at the intersection of desire, memory and metaphor. Poems include “Large Red Man Reading,” “The World as Meditation,” “Final Soliloquy of the Interior Paramour,” “A Quiet Normal Life,” and others. (20 min.)

A scholar and poet, Brian Nowlin is a doctoral candidate at the University of Dallas, where he is completing a dissertation on the late poetry of Wallace Stevens, and where he has worked as an adjunct professor of English and as the director of the writing center. 

Martha Heimberg is assistant professor of English at Northwood University in Cedar Hill, Texas, creative writing instructor at Richland College and arts critic for Turtle Creek News and Theater Jones.
Five-time winner of Dallas Press Club’s Katie Award for arts criticism, community affairs and business writing, she has also won the Texas Historic Commission Griffin Award and the Sierra Club Award for writing. She has written over 200 features and reviews on live theater, visual and literary arts, and community affairs for Texas publications, including D Magazine, Texas Monthly, Lone Star Book Review and others. She originated DART’s Poetry in Motion program, a national project placing contemporary and classic poems on buses and trains, and is a founding member of the Dallas-Fort Worth Theater Critics Forum.

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