Archive for August 10th, 2012

Awaji features @ Dallas Poetry Slam

What: Awaji features @ Dallas Poetry Slam
When: December 21, 8 pm
Where: Heroes, 7402 Greenville Avenue

Born on December 26, 1976 in Detroit, Michigan, Awaji has always endeavored in the arts. His passion began with comic books illustration and then fiction novels. The first publicized book he read was “The Hobbit” at age 4. He loved drawing the “Peanuts” characters at that time and also had a great fascination for dragons. His art background progressed drawing still life nature. He has practiced virtually every media from sculpture to spoken word. In grade school he was awarded 1st place in the Mississippi National TSA (graphic design) competition 3 years consecutive from 1992 – 1995. He’s always had a love for creative writing but just recently began performing and reciting his work only 2 years ago. The challenge to be different is his only inspiration. Being cliché is his only peeve. He values originality as the most important thing any creator should be concerned with.

Awaji, November 2011

Ben Abercrombie features @ Dallas Poetry Slam

What: Ben ABercrombie features @ Dallas Poetry Slam
When: Friday, November 2, 8 pm
Where: Heroes, 7402 Greenville Ave

“I’m 21, and I’ve got a dream or two.”  Ben Abercrombie

VERB features @ Dallas Poetry Slam

What: Divine Reflections features @ Dallas Poetry Slam
When: Friday, October 19, 8 pm
Where: Heroes, 7402 Greenville Ave, Dallas, TX


VERB formerly known as Divine Reflection was born and raised in Chicago, IL.  She had been performing and entertaining since the age of 6.  She is a motivational speaker, host, event planner, promoter, poet, dancer, actor and CEO of Verb Kulture Entertainment.  She has competed and won numerous poetry slams and has obtained the title of Inkwell Poetry Slam Champion, For colored girls poetry slam champ, Lioness on the rise slam champ, and placed in the top 3 of multiple slams.  She enjoys community outreach in which she has donated much of her time to make a difference in the lives of others.  She currently heads Verb Kulture and is continuously hosting events to encourage networking, artist creativity, and outreach.  She enjoys speaking to children and encouraging them to dream big and think big.  She is currently working on her 1st cd project entitled “Rhythm, Rhymes and Revolution” hoping that upon completion it will touch the spirits and lives of many.  She has performed for and inspired thousands of people and is committed to making a difference in her surrounding community.

Deonte Osayande features @ Dallas Poetry Slam

What: Deonte Osayande features @ Dallas Poetry Slam
When: Friday, September 21, 8 pm
Where: Heroes, 7402 Greenville Avenue

Deonte Osayande is a young supernova of poetry and potential coming out of Detroit, Mi. Born in Huntsville, Al, he has called Detroit home since the age of three months. He comes from a family of teachers and his parents were both poets and activists during the Civil Rights Movement of the 60’s. At twenty years old he was exposed to creative writing for the first time at an entry level class at the University of Detroit Mercy. Just month’s later he attended his first poetry open mic at the university. Professors would say, though raw at the time, his work showed an ability that was unbelievable for someone who had never really written for most of his life. Now only three years later he has been a successful youth activist, teacher, host, and member of the Detroit National Poetry Slam Team. Within Detroit’s poetry and arts scene he is viewed as a growing beacon of light. Being respected both in the literary world and within the slam/open mic circuit. Deonte has been invited to perform across the Midwest, and within multiple area universities.

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August 2012