WordSpace presents

Web-Staged Performance Art TV

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The Dharma Beauty Pageant

-WebStaged Performance Art TV-

Due to the Pandemic: Due to the Pandemic: Due to the Pandemic:
The previously scheduled production of
The Dharma Beauty Pageant has been re-imagined into website-staged trailer docu-introduction of cast members. Click here to read more on this project. The show runs through March and includes an ekphrastic writing contest
Juried by Mairead Case

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Carolina Reyes: Areola Eyes / I’m a BADDIE  (Ekphrastic Writing Contest)
Read about Karen Minzer: Got Ojas?
Read About Laney Yarber: Room for Beauty
Read About Linda Jones: A Natural Progression.
Read About Micaela Gutierrez Tillet and Brenda Randall: World Calls
Read Monika Bowman Bell : In your sleep by black sheet curtains hung with tacks

Stay tuned for upcoming happenings on
Intergalactic WordSpace WebStaged Performance Art TV.
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The Dharma Beauty Pageant is the fourth installment of Dharma Broads performance art series, originally commissioned by Robert Trammell and WordSpace in 2004. Dallas theater critic, Jerome Weeks, described the performance art group as “neo-beat, hippie Happening.”

Dharma Broads IV: The Dharma Beauty Pageant 
Due to the pandemic, Dharma Beauty Pageant. originally scheduled for January, has been re-imagined as a series of video trailers to the upcoming staged version. The videos are first-person, documentary performances. The artists for The Dharma (or-Truth) and Beauty Pageant (or procession) interlace or collide on the elusive, sometimes conflicting, definitions for those words. Is truth, beauty? And vice versa?

The virtual cast includes Monika Bell, Linda Jones, Karen Minzer, Brenda Randall, Carolina Reyes, Micaela Tillett, and Laney Yarber. The selections were made by original DB producer, Karen X Minzer. With the exception of two cast members, the individual performers all created new work for the production. Additional performers are credited within each video. Please see credits for each video. Individual links serve as a printed program. All copyrights are reserved by the individual artists; and are held on their individual platforms.

Since the performers cannot hear your applause, boos, or questions, we hope you will all participate by clicking on the Comment section below and Comment links following the individual videos.

In the tradition of previous Dharma Broad productions, an audience-participation exercise is included: Carolina Reyes offers her video as an ekphrastic writing contest. Click here for Submission Details. There are 3 cash prizes.

The Dharma Beauty Pageant will run through February. Following the event, WordSpace Performance Art TV will continue to present performances projects of both new and archival material that represent our interdisciplinary arts legacy. Stay tuned!

Special thanks to The Great Fred Curchack for the inspiration drawn from his work; and for his generous mentorship of The Dharma Beauty Pageant. 

The Dharma Beauty Pageant was commissioned by WordSpace; and made possible, with partial funding from the City of Dallas Office of Arts and Culture; and Moody Fund for the Arts.

Click here to read more on past Dharma Broad Productions.

2020 Pandemic: Om Mani Padme Om.

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